Rahi Khondker is going to share the vital educations and knowledge you must have. Most educators never teach you this. And almost 100% of our current education systems hardly ever include them in the syllabus and talk about them.
... moreBOLD Presents DREAM CAREERS organized by BRAIN TALKS.
As part of a series of six webinars for youth on the board theme of DREEM CAREERS
Rahi Khondker is going to share the vital educations and knowledge you must have. Most educators never teach you this. And almost 100% of our current education systems hardly ever include them in the syllabus and talk about them.
Yet these are the life-changing education you must have to create and enjoy a Dream Career.
Rahi will show you his education framework that has not only helped him to create a dream career for himself but also with this he helped so many others to find and prosper in their professional dream journey.
In the short event, Rahi will focus on four areas of education that one must acquire. He will priorities the main two areas that create the difference between people who just do their job and the other very small group of people who creates a beautiful, fulfilling career for themselves and help the masses.
Please join us on 23rd June to start and expedite your joinery for an awesome Dream Career.
Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/s9rPqhgHj4
Date: 23 June 2021, Time: 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Media: ZOOM and Facebook LIVE
Chief Patron
Quazi M. Ahmed
Founder & President, BOLD
Lead Consultant and CEO, FutureLeaders https://www.linkedin.com/in/quaziahmed/
Keynote Speaker
Rahi Khondker
CEO & Founder
7W Consulting Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Get Stuff Done Coaching, Melbourne Australia https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahi-khondker-5b84aa15a
Special Guest
Imran Fahad
Founder & CEO, Inspiring Bangladesh Ltd. https://www.linkedin.com/in/imranfahad/
S A S Mithil
Founder of লাল পোস্টার- Lal Poster
#Presented_By: BOLD (Bangladesh Organization for Learning & Development) #Organized_By: Brain Talks
Strategic Partner: FutureLeaders™
Partners (in alphabetical order):
Digital Branding
Radio Dhoni
Lal Poster
If you had $86400 in your bank account and someone stole $10, would you be so upset?! Would you throw the remaining $86390 away just to get back at them?!
Of course not.
Now, You have 86400 seconds in your day. Why let someone 10 seconds of negativity take away your remaining 86390 seconds?!
So, Let it go -- Move on. Concentrate to your goal.
On September 20, Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina accepted an award from the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network for her country’s ‘striking’ progress towards achie...
Posted by রোমিও on April 10 2021 at 07:22 AM
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