Md. Ibrahim Khalil

  • Gender: Male
  • Born on: August 08
  • Relationship: Single

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  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    ইসরাইলকে সন্ত্রাসী রাষ্ট্র ঘোষণা,,,,,,,,,,, ফিলিস্তিনিদের পাশে থাকবেন রিসেপ তায়েপ এরদোগান. তুর্কি. কাতার. পাকিস্তান. কুয়েত. আফগানিস্তান. মালয়েশিয়া. ইন্দোনেশিয়া. সৌদি আরব. দুবাই. মিশর. ইরান.#savepalestine#savethemuslims #StopTerrorismAgainstMuslims #AlAqsa #StopConspiracyAgainstIslam #StopIsraeliTerrorism#GazaUnderAttack#AlAqsaUnderAttack#WestandWithPalestine#PalestineWillBeFree#FreePalestine#StandForPalestine...  more
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    বাংলাদেশে সন্ত্রাস ও ধর্মীয় চরমপন্থা মোকাবিলায় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার নেতৃত্বাধীন সরকারের প্রশংসা করেছে ইউরোপের শীর্ষস্থানীয় অলাভজনক সংস্থা ইউরোপিয়ান ফাউন্ডেশন ফর সাউথ এশিয়ান স্টাডিজ EFSAS - European Foundation for South Asian Studies
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    The owner of the cow used to hear dogs barking at night so he put one CCTV camera. And saw this unbelievable incident that one Leopard comes daily at night to meet the cow and the cow licks him with her tounge. The owner asked the previous owner of the Cow and came to know that the Leopard mom died when he was 20 days old and the cow fed her milk to the Leopard Since then the Leopard thinks that the cow is his mom.
    And he comes daily at night to see her...
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    Android 12 Developer Preview 3 literally cuts corners.
    Android is in for a huge design overhaul with version 12, and while many changes are still hidden, things are starting to come together in Android 12 Developer Preview 3, released yesterday. It enables the new thumb-friendly "silky home" by default for settings and adds smoother overflow animations across the OS, but there are also a few smaller design tweaks rounding everything out.

    The changes can be seen across all of the OS. When you p...  more
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    7 JavaScript Best Practices to Improve Code Quality
    Learn how some of the new features in JavaScript can help you write cleaner code.
    If you write JavaScript today, it’s worth your time staying in the know of all the updates the language has seen in the past few years. Since 2015, with the release of ES6, a new version of the ECMAScript spec has been released each year. Each iteration adds new features, new syntax, and Quality of Life improvements to the language. JavaScript engines in most br...  more
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    State of JavaScript survey: Svelte and Nuxt good, Angular and Cordova bad

    James is editor in chief of TechForge Media, with a passion for how technologies influence business and several Mobile World Congress events under his belt. James has interviewed a variety of leading figures in his career, from former Mafia boss Michael Franzese, to Steve Wozniak, and Jean Michel Jarre. James can be found tweeting at @James_T_Bourne.
    The latest survey data assessing the JavaScript ecosystem is in, with a...  more
  • Md. Ibrahim Khalil
    O’Reilly: Python leads languages, React for web development, and ML/AI interest grows
    Education giant O’Reilly has released data about its online platform which highlights some interesting software development trends.

    The headline finding is that Python continues to be the programming language with the most interest.

    Given the growth in topics relating to Python such as AI – and the language often considered the best to pick up for new developers – it’ll perhaps come of little surprise to hea...  more