ACNH Flower Breeding Guide


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    Breeding and cross-breeding different species of flowers is a fun way for players to increase their collection and customization options in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. By understanding the basic mechanics of flower genetics, you'll be able to hatch rare hybrid blooms and even create brand new colors and types!

    The Basics of Flower Breeding

    All flowers have a base color and can breed with their own type or other flowers to create hybrid offspring. The key factors are:

    • Plant flowers in pairs next to each other for highest chances of breeding
    • Watering daily significantly increases the likelihood of hybrid seed production
    • Different color combinations typically produce hybrid babies of a new color
    • Wind patterns help distribute pollen between neighboring flowers

    With a little TLC and patience, you'll be hybrid hunting in no time. Let's look at steps to breed specific types.

    Breeding Basic Hybrids

    Most flowers' basic hybrid offspring are reliably produced with the following pairings:


    • Red + White = Orange
    • White + White = Blue


    • Red + White = Pink
    • Orange + Orange = Blue


    • Red + White = Pink
    • Yellow + Yellow = Orange


    • Red + White = Pink
    • Orange + Orange = Black


    • Red + White = Pink
    • Orange + Orange = Black

    Advanced Hybrid Breeding

    Once you've bred basic hybrids, use them to create even rarer "hybrid reds", blues, purples and other advanced blooms:


    • Orange + Orange = Purple
    • Blue + Blue = Hybrid Red


    • Pink + Pink = Hybrid Red
    • Blue + Blue = Hybrid Purple


    • Pink + Pink = Hybrid Red
    • Orange + Orange = Hybrid Blue


    • Pink + Pink = Hybrid Red
    • Black + Black = Hybrid Pink


    • Pink + Pink = Hybrid Red
    • Black + Black = Hybrid Blue

    Tips for Successful Breeding

    Follow these tricks to maximize your hybridization success:

    Grow Flowers in Bunches

    Plant 10 flowers tightly together for optimal cross-pollination chances as pollen spreads in the wind.

    Water Daily

    Keeping soil moisturized greatly boosts the likelihood flowers will produce seeds the following day.

    Be Patient

    Some hybrid pairs like Black Cosmos can take weeks to breed - don't give up!

    Label Your Flowers

    Use custom designs on the ground or notes app to identify pairings and offspring as you expand.

    Isolate Special Hybrids

    Transplant rare breeds away from basic colors to focus pollen where needed.

    Fertilize Soil Regularly

    Fertilizer like compost or ACNH Bells bought bags increases yield and bloom health.

    Manage Weeds Daily

    Weeds competing for growing space negatively impact breeding success.

    Time Travel Strategically

    Jumping a day or two speeds up the generational hybridizing process.

    Selling Rare Flowers for Bells

    Once you've bred hard-to-get hybrids like Green Mums or Blue Roses, they fetch a high resale price on sites like Nookazon from eager collectors:

    • Green Mums - 300,000+ Bells each
    • Blue Roses - 200,000+ Bells each
    • Other hybrid reds/purples - 50,000-100,000 Bells each
    • Basic hybrids - 10,000-30,000 Bells each

    This provides motivation to scale up production for a lucrative side business! Be sure flowers are dug with shovels, not plucked, to preserve clones on your island.

    Displaying Your Blooms

    Once you've bred colorful varieties, get creative showcasing them around your island:

    • Line walkways with flower beds
    • Create themed gardens by type or color
    • Strew petals on the ground for a romantic vibe
    • Decorate the plaza with flower crown designs
    • Frame entrances with hybrid wreaths
    • Sell blooms from cute marketplace stalls

    Your pride and joy hybrids deserve to be displayed for all to enjoy!

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