Management and Resources Development Initiative

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  • Management and Resources Development Initiative favorite
  • Medium
  • Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • MRDI, a multi-disciplinary, not-for-profit, non-government organisation as well as a company limited by guarantee
    Management and Resources Development Initiative (MRDI) was established in May 2001 with the aim to develop the standard and quality of the media and engage in a wide spectrum of social development activities. MRDI’s effort also focuses on capacity building of media and CSOs on public fund management, trade negotiation, nutrition, food security, RTI and CSR; mainstreaming ethical journalism and introducing social audit to ensure transparency and accountability. Updating academic curricula of journalism of public universities and capacity building of university teachers is another significant initiative of MRDI. MRDI's programmatic strategy connects development and rights issues within common framework interlinking different activities and sustainability approach resulting in a unified vision. In designing and implementing projects, MRDI upholds its stand against discrimination in terms of gender and socio economic position.