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  • House No:14, Road No:4, Rupanagar Road, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • https://amarmp.com
  • "Amar MP Social Voluntary Organization" (Habi-724/2017) registered under the VOLUNTARY SOCIAL WELFARE AGENCIES (REGISTRATION AND CONTROL) ORDINANCE, 1961, (ORDINANCE NO. XLVI OF 1961, SECTION 4(3)) on 14th Feb 2017 is a pioneering, non-profit making and non-partisan initiative created by a group of Bangladeshi online activists and spearheaded by Engr. Sushanta Das Gupta. Members of Parliament (MP) in Bangladesh have been slow to embrace the benefits of using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and other methods to communicate with their constituents. AmarMP.com is bridging the gap between parliamentary representatives and the citizens of Bangladesh by creating a platform for them to connect.

    AmarMP.com has started a ground-breaking, social democratic movement by coordinating all the information about the members of parliament and all the different means for communication with them. The project will set up a clear and easy to follow mechanism for citizens to actively engage in the democratic processes and hold parliamentary representatives accountable.

    As a social voluntary organisation Amar MP will support all citizens to recognise, understand and exercise all human rights enshrined in the constitution of the people’s republic of Bangladesh.


    • Create a platform to bridge the communication gap between elected MPs as well as law makers and their constituents/ electorate/citizens of Bangladesh.
    • Galvanize and coordinate data and information about elected representatives to support citizens to exercise their democratic rights and to enhance transparency and accountability.
    • The volunteers at AmarMP are passionate about parliamentary democracy and will reach out to otherwise excluded citizens from some of the most remote areas.
    • Create a dynamic role in building trust between elected representatives and the electorate by maximum utilization of information technology.
    • Raise public awareness about civic engagement, responsible citizenship as well as the roles and responsibilities of the elected representatives.
    • Provide a structure to strengthen the democratic processes in holding elected representatives accountable and scrutinise policies and decisions being made.
    • To foster the development of submitting petitions, coordinating campaigns on issues that are pertinent to the electorate to influence party manifestos and also policy making.
    • Build confidence by developing new skills and knowledge for elected representatives which will not only help them to connect with their constituents but also enable them to manage their time better and prioritise their work and commitments.
    • Explore the potential for developing partnerships and rolling this out to other parts of the world where there is democratic deficit and citizens lack access to democratic means and opportunities to exercise their democratic rights.