What is the one thing you will never do again?

I will never, I'll repeat never ever put myself down again.

It all started when I was 13. I had downloaded instagram and some other bunch of social media apps and I felt really happy that for once, I had the freedom to connect with my friends and make new friends through it. I grew up in a strict household so it was nice to be able to persuade my mom to let me use social media since all my friends were using it, although she didn't let me use Facebook and Snapchat I was still content with having Insta, Twitter, Youtube, and Reddit.

Not only did social media help me make new friends but it made me develop a habit of comparing myself to other people. I would see different pictures of beautiful people who looked effortlessly pretty on instagram and suddently felt ugly. I developed jealousy and body consciousness. It wasn't a right place to be. It chowed most of my time, I used to be a productive person but at that time, I spent most of my time scrolling through social media and looking at the fancy lives of Celebs instead of studying.

I decided that I was done with social media when I was 15 after seeing a drastic drop in my academic marks. I deleted instagram first since it made me feel like crap, and I was done complaining about how other people had the perfect ‘body’ when in reality they just added filteres. Pictures aren't always real.

I didn't want to delete Twitter but I did, because I really wanted to eliminate time wasters in my life. I deleted games too and I ended up downloading Wattpad and Quora. It has been a good journey ever since. I don't regret deleting those social media apps and I wont look back, atleast not now. I'm now working on building my confidence. I'm learning how to love and accept myself the way I am instead of comparing myself to other people. And that everyone is different, the concept of beauty is very complicated. While I might think she's more beautiful:


Someone might think she's cuter:


Or that she's prettier:


Like I said, the concept of beauty is complex. Everyone has their own opinions. So let us not dwell on such standards.

The comparison wont take you anywhere, instead it will only build hatred within yourself and you should never put yourself down like that. You have to love and value yourself at all costs, you must understand that you will have to live with yourself for the rest of your life, so if you don't want to love yourself, your life will be miserable and that's no way to live.

Lets get rid of these unrealistic beauty standards we have created before they destroy more lives and people's happiness…

Pic source: Pinterest

Thank you for reading?

Posted in News Blogs on February 09 2022 at 11:02 PM

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