How to Identify Smurfs in League of Legends

If you’re new to League of Legends, you may have come across Smurfs without knowing it. No, not the little blue character from the cartoon. In the game, a Smurf is a low-level alternate account used by highly skilled players with high-level primary accounts. If you want to get a boost in the game, you can buy League of Legends Smurf accounts at Reliable place.

Origins of Smurfing

The term “Smurfing” originated in the 1996 game Warcraft II. Elite players Geoff ‘Shlonglor’ Frazier and Greg ‘Warp!’ Boyko created new accounts called PapaSmurf and Smurfette to avoid being recognized and shunned by other players. They pretended to be inexperienced and then dominated the matches. This practice carried over to other games, including League of Legends.

Spotting Smurfs

Unusual Usernames

Smurf accounts often use quirky or strange usernames because players don’t have to worry about using those names on their primary accounts. This can lower the wariness of opponents. For example, Frazier once underestimated another Smurf named "Spiderman" and lost early in the game. There are even websites where you can buy premium, unranked accounts to smurf, as leveling up new accounts is time-consuming.

These names often follow a pattern of random words and numbers, such as GreenAlpaca29. Such accounts are often associated with leveled-up or purchased accounts, and often cause problems in the game.

Non-mainstream builds

If you see a player using a non-mainstream build, they may be testing new strategies without risking their main account's ranking. Skilled players often try out different team compositions or tactics on their smurf accounts. They may also use non-mainstream picks to add variety to their games, since they have already won many matches with a standard build. You can learn from their experiments and try these strategies once you understand the game better.

High CS

Pay attention to the CS (minion score) of players in the game. CS refers to the number of minions a player kills. New players often focus on killing their opponents instead of farming minions, resulting in a low CS. Minions, in contrast, understand the importance of farming to build up a strong set of items. Players with high CS and lots of kills and assists are likely minions.

Farming is essential to accumulating gold to purchase powerful items, giving a significant advantage over opponents in the late game.

Strategic Map Presence

Experienced players are familiar with the game mechanics and maps. If a player seems to be making smart decisions about which objectives to prioritize or which lane to push, they are probably a minion. These minions are often effective in commanding their team, calling for kills like Dragon or Baron, using jungle characters efficiently, and using ping to communicate.

Playing with a minion like this is beneficial, almost like having a personal trainer. They will coach you on when to kill key objectives, providing a strategic advantage.

Effective Ward Use

New players often overlook the importance of wards, but minions use them strategically to control the map. Wards prevent ambushes from enemy junglers or roaming laners. You'll often find minions placing wards near key objectives like Dragon or Baron to monitor enemy movements.

If you have smurfs in your group, watch where they place their wards and how that affects the game. Learning from their wards can significantly improve your game.


While playing with or against smurfs can be challenging, it shouldn't discourage new players. Identifying smurfs can help you better understand the dynamics of the game. Focus on improving your skills and maintain a positive attitude. If you want to get a head start, consider buying a LoL Smurf Accounts at Don't let the presence of smurfs ruin your experience; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow as a player.

Posted in Gaming Blogs on July 29 2024 at 12:34 PM

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