Games That Have Equipment With Personality

RELATED:Games That Have Equipment With Personality
In Dark and Darker, the intended 'goal' of the game is to Dark And Darker Gold dive into the dungeon, grab as much loot as possible, and get out. And, as far as loot goes, there's quite a lot. Everything a player picks up within the dungeon can be sold to the Merchants when they get out, with general gold and silver antiquity/pottery/dishware selling for the most. But, what about one of the rarer items players are stumbling across, the Ancient Scroll? What exactly does this item do, and if sold, how much is it sold for?
What Does The Ancient Scroll 'Do'?
Dark and Darker - Inventory With Ancient Scroll In It
Sadly, the Ancient Scroll currently does not have a purpose in Dark and Darker. It's unclear whether this will change in future alphas or even the full release, but right now it serves no actual function. Despite taking up a whole 6 inventory slots and coming across as some sort of 'rare' item, this thing does nothing and that's not even the worst of it.
Is It Worth Picking Up & Selling?
Dark and Darker - Selling Ancient Scroll To The Collector
Short answer? No, the Ancient Scroll is not nearly worth the gold it sells for, at least not in comparison to the valuable items players could put in its place. Ancient Scrolls take up six squares of the player's relatively limited 50-slot bag space, and it only sells for about 3 Gold at the Collector if a player manages to Dark And Darker Gold for sale extract with it in hand. So, it's much more worthwhile for players to fill those four slots with random jewelry or tableware. And, quick tip for beginners, random weaponry (unless of a very high rarity) is also not worth holding on to for its sell price, at least over the single-slot valuables like jewelry and such.
Posted in Personal Blogs on January 20 2024 at 08:25 AM

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