Step-by-Step Guide to Acquiring Each and Every Toy Day Exclusive Item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

I will demonstrate today how you can win one of five unique prizes for toy day. m.

from midnight on December 24 until five in the morning on December 25. Your island will be visited by reindeer during this time of year, and they will ask for your assistance in delivering gifts to the people who live there. You will be rewarded with holiday wrapping paper, homemade gifts, homemade toy days, stockings, toy days, sledges, and jingles if you do what he said. Because you can only get these prizes on one day out of the year, I will make sure that you get them right now as part of this content. Let's take part in the celebration of Toy Day.

Animal crossing new horizonsAnimal crossing new horizons

When you load the game on December 24, the first thing you need to do is look for jingles all over your island. You can find these jingles in a variety of places. When you first speak to him, he will most likely walk around your square while telling you how he forgot the holiday wrapping paper, and then he will give you a diy, so that you can do buy NMT animal crossing yourself. If you want to make this wrapping paper, you will need three distinct kinds of decorations: one kind is red decorations, another kind is blue decorations, and the third kind is gold decorations, unless you already have any decorations. In the article that I have prepared for you, I will explain how to remove these ornaments from the decked-out cedar tree. The content is presented in this manner. Once you have your ornaments, as described above, you can begin to make holiday wrapping paper bells, and you will be asked to make three different holiday wrapping papers for them.

  • Therefore, once you have completed this task, return to the bell and have a conversation with him

  • As soon as you hand over the wrapping paper to him, he will hand over some toy day stockings

  • These stockings will come in handy in a later content to help you obtain the final exclusive toy day prize

  • You will also receive a magic bag full of gifts if you sing along to the jingle

  • You must visit each of the villagers on the island and present them with a gift in order to complete the jingle

  • You don't need to worry about accidentally presenting the wrong gifts to the wrong villagers because the gifts will come out of the bag on their own at the appropriate time

  • It's possible that you're not aware that gifts work in this way

  • Because this is a custom-made item, your villager's will not want to display anything that they receive from the magic bag as a result of you giving it to them


You don't have to worry about the gifts you give the villagers turning up unexpectedly in their homes because the villagers will never put any fruit in their dwellings on their own accord. Now, what you need to do is walk around your island, find each villager, and give them a gift. Some of your villagers will be walking outside, and some of them will be inside their houses. Therefore, you need to look around. At any of these locations, there is a chance that local villagers will present you with a gift in appreciation for the ones you have bestowed upon them using your magic bag. Especially when you give them gifts, only three villagers at random will give you a gift right there and then; this gift will always be one of those three gifts. In the month of December, the crane at nook will be selling toys for Toy Day. This is an effective strategy for acquiring Toy Day toys in a variety of hues.

Because your nook crane can only sell one color change at a time, but your villagers might not give you gifts sometimes. Instead, kindly arrange to trade gifts with them later on the following day after you have delivered their package. It is important to remember to follow up after you have sent the gifts, as doing so will allow you to obtain additional toys and different color changes on the toy day. Even though some of the villagers may not bring up the topic of gift exchange at all when you give them gifts, this does not preclude the possibility of exchanging gifts with those villagers in the future. Even after you have completed everything, you can still return to talk with them and give gifts to your villagers for the gift exchange.



It also helps to improve the level of friendship that you have with them if you give them gifts. Each gift that you give the villagers will increase the level of friendship that you have with them by three points. After you have distributed more than half of the gifts to the villagers, Jingdong will hand you a large number of additional presents. But if you don't know Jingdong, the only place you can get this do-it-yourself project is Jingdong. After you have distributed all of the gifts, Jingdong will have a surprise in store for you on Toy Day. Because you can only get it from Bell after completing the task that Bell gives you, this is the most difficult prize to obtain during Toy Day. Completing the task of Bell brings an end to all of the activities that Bell can do during his visit.


However, now you have the ability to collect additional prizes in order to take part in a gift exchange with all of the villagers, and after that, you can return to each villager to pay them a visit. They will prompt you to exchange gifts, and then you will have the opportunity to choose an item from your inventory; however, in order to give it to them as a gift, you will need to make sure that it is packaged. If you return to the villagers and tell them that you don't have any gift wrap, they will actually give you some wrapping paper the next time you talk to them. You can proceed to wrap the gift up and hand ACNH Greenhouse Design Ideas off to the villagers at this point. As part of the gift exchange, they will present you with a toy on "Toy Day."

This is yet another effective method. The toys and essentials for daily life that are sold in the nook come in a variety of colors. If you are looking for a particular color variety, So it is so cute to exchange gifts with your villagers, because they all wear Christmas hats, and if you are looking for a specific color variety, click here. They are always so happy, and Animal Crossing New Horizons Entrance Ideas doesn't seem to matter what gifts you give them. Even the toilet paper is something that just recently came to my attention. There is a hush in Jingle. On Toy Day, you want to make sure you do one thing: walk into your home and hang up the stockings that Jingle gave you at the beginning of the Toy Day. This is not the least important thing you should do on Toy Day. If you hang the stockings on the wall, ACNH items will be much easier for you to get to them.

In order to be eligible for the bonus prizes, you will need to be able to get all the way down into the stockings. Wait until Christmas Day, which is on December 25, to take them down from the wall and open them. If you press the button on the stockings that you have hung on the wall, your villagers will pull out a picture of the golden bell that represents the special prize. You can only get this item from your toy day stockings, which can only be obtained when you hang them, so you must do this in order to obtain it. However, if you want the poster of Golden Bell, you can only get Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells if you have the Golden Bell amiibo and scan  to this. This is one of my favorite animal crossing activities because  is interactive and has all of these small details, which really makes the activity full of vitality.


Posted in Gaming Blogs on November 27 2022 at 02:40 PM

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